How To Download Palworld And Purchase Pocketpair’s Pal Adventure

Published On: 11 January 2024|Categories: News, General News, Palworld|
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How to Download Palworld Early Access

The Early Access for Palworld is fast approaching (January 19th) and the game without a doubt has many curious players. Who wouldn’t be curious about a game that manages to cross over monster catching games such as Pokémon with guns and shooter game mechanics such as The Division? Regardless, for those interested – knowing how to download Palworld and where to buy it is important!

Where to download Palworld

Thankfully, you can download the Early Access of Palworld January 19th on Steam! However, you can find your way onto the Steam page through Palworld’s official site and the developer site – Pocketpair.

So far, it seems there’s only one version of the Early Access to purchase – at the price of $29.99! However, after Early Access this price will increase.

Another option is the Xbox Game Pass! It has been officially confirmed that the Xbox Game Pass will support Palworld on Xbox and PC. However, you can also buy the game directly from the Microsoft Store.

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Make sure to Wishlist the game on Steam so you’re ready immediately for Early Access on January 19th 2024. Currently, the above is the only options of how to download Palworld. However, if anything else is announced it’ll be updated here!

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Author: FinalKhaos

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