Fastest Way to Level up in Palworld

Published On: 22 January 2024|Categories: Palworld, Guides|

Discover The Fastest Way to Level Up in Palworld

Looking to level up as fast as possible in Palworld? The journey from a relatively unknown project to a gaming triumph has been swift, with millions of early players making Palworld an all-time great on Steam. Here, we’ve compiled the most effective methods to accelerate your XP grind, unlocking powerful weapons, abilities, and reaching the level cap in no time.

Discover The Fastest Way to Level Up in Palworld

Catching Pals of the Same Type

The cornerstone of rapid leveling in Palworld is catching multiples of every Pal. Starting out, catch 10 of each type to receive a bonus, propelling you towards the level cap. Even in the starting area, unique Pals abound. Grabbing 10 of each not only brings individual rewards but also a substantial bonus for collecting 10 of a specific type.

Catching Pals of the Same Type

Capture Bonus in Palworld

Capture Bonuses stand out as arguably the fastest way to gain EXP in Palworld. Strategically capturing 10 Pals of the same kind gives you bonus EXP which enhances your experience gains significantly, offering a dynamic and engaging approach to leveling.

Capture Bonus in Palworld

Complete Dungeons

Venturing into Dungeons is the next step to level up fast. Scattered throughout the map, these Dungeons vary in difficulty. Choosing ones slightly above your level provides a challenge, leading to greater experience rewards. Successfully navigating Dungeons offers a substantial boost in your journey to mastery.

Complete Dungeons

Change the World Settings

For those seeking an unconventional approach, tweaking World Settings can expedite the leveling process. While not recommended for everyone, adjusting difficulty, day time speed, and, notably, the EXP Rate slider can yield a 1.3 times the EXP boost across the board. Maxing out the slider accelerates all experience gains, ensuring faster progression.

Change the World Settings

Combining these Methods

Catching Pals, utilizing Capture Bonuses, conquering Dungeons, and adjusting World Settings are the pillars of the fastest way to level up in Palworld. Implementing these strategies strategically will propel you to the upper echelons of the game in no time.

Combining these Methods

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: Can I catch Pals anywhere in the game?
A: Absolutely! Pals are scattered throughout the game, even in the starting area. Grabbing 10 of each type is an effective way to accelerate your leveling.

Q: How do Dungeons contribute to leveling up?
A: Dungeons offer varying levels of challenge and experience rewards. Clearing Dungeons, especially those a few levels above your character, provides a significant boost to your overall experience.

Q: Is adjusting World Settings a recommended method?
A: Adjusting World Settings is not recommended for everyone. It’s a fallback option for those looking to expedite the process. Use it judiciously, especially if you enjoy the grind.

Q: Does changing the EXP Rate slider affect all activities in the game?
A: Yes, changing the EXP Rate slider to its maximum option boosts all experience gains by 1.3 times. This accelerates your leveling regardless of the in-game activity.

Q: Can these methods be combined for optimal results?
A: Absolutely! Combining the strategies of catching Pals, utilizing Capture Bonuses, conquering Dungeons, and adjusting World Settings can lead to the fastest leveling results.

Embark on your journey to mastery in Palworld using the fastest methods outlined above. Catch, capture, conquer, and customize your World Settings to unlock powerful abilities and rise through the ranks at an unprecedented pace.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Did our Palworld guide captivate your gaming spirit? Dive deeper into the enchanting realms with “Best Starting Pals in Palworld.” For a constant flow of Palworld wisdom, exciting news, updates, and vibrant community discussions, be sure to join our Official Discord Server! And for an endless trove of Palworld goodness, swing by our Palword Homepage. Until next time!

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Author: Drad

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